
Another way to help; pancakes

I've been lone-wolf parenting for two of the past three weeks, and the first item I tend to remove from my daily checklist when Dan is out of town is "endure dinner-related whining from my progeny." So, gingerbread pancakes it is.

We might be slightly vitamin-deficient 

But we are happy

If you are in the Austin area and you want to help out with Harvey relief but you are overwhelmed by all the potential approaches and wish someone would just give you a specific list of what is needed and and address to drop it all off HEY GUESS WHAT YOU'RE IN LUCK because Mayor Adler has done just that. As of last night they were still in need of a bunch more evacuee welcome kits, so everyone who is able/inclined to do so should get on it. Isabelle found it very easy and fulfilling.

"Be helpful by going to Target" is the irresistible siren song of my demographic