
And the livin' is wheezy

It's our first day of summer vacation! We're...uh...doing our best to enjoy it.

To be fair, it was important to bookend being sick on the first day of second grade with being sick on the last day of second grade. Only the gooey middle of second grade attendance for us!

Actually, the high today is only 88 degrees, I didn't have to hustle any children onto a school bus this morning, I haven't read a single bit of news since yesterday's rose ceremony grotesquerie, I'm tossing waffle and yogurt sandwiches on the table with abandon, and our most recent library haul is deliriously ambitious. It's the one good day of summer!

ALSO, I just got the June issue of Rachael Ray and I spy at least one potential abomination and one specific dare that I am ready to engage with.

So, enjoy this moment, or at least try to enjoy me enjoying this moment? Until it dissipates sometime early next week, or possibly later this afternoon. At which point I promise I will attempt to convert it into the perverse joy of torturing myself with summertime recipes.