
Summer hibernation will be here before you know it

You can keep your chirping birds, your tiny blossoms, your weird urban legends about eggs and brooms standing upright unassisted. I know spring is nigh because I have just ransacked every grocery store in the greater Austin area in pursuit of edible green things. That's right: Green Bunko has come and gone once again! Third time's the lucky charm, right? Right, guys? It's not easy being green, you know what I'm saying? Relatedly, this year's sub-theme was "Kinda Phoning It In."

Cheese plate: less ambitious.

Stuffed potatoes: less adorably tiny.

Broccoli salad: way less prep time than green deviled eggs.


It is still a lot of green in one place.

Not sure I had this cutting board last year. So that's something.

And I DID go a new and bold direction in the dessert category: POTATO CANDY. It completely exists. And looks exactly like a pile of dirty potatoes.

I'm sorry about all this, Ireland.

Anyway, I have no idea what people are on about with this turd business. If I wanted to make a St. Patrick's Day turd, you would know it. Trust me.

The girls have been watching a lot of Handy Manny.

So maybe that master bathroom renovation will happen sooner than I thought.