
Rhubarb Pie

Today feels like...it needs a pie? Of all the Stardew recipes I had never tried before, Rhubarb Pie was probably at the top of my list of things I was looking forward to, even though it involved explaining to my children "yes, it's a vegetable" about a dozen times. I went with all-rhubarb, because I've had strawberry pie before, and a shortening-based crust and I am 100% converted because it was much easier to work with than butter. According to that NYT recipe, using shortening is what makes it American pie rather than a French pastry, which makes sense because it's less healthy and less work and also what I am doing from now on because I am a patriot.

Trans fats! Super easy (as long as you do not care at all about what it actually looks like)


Look how RUSTIC and SPRINGY in front of the green leaves, there are practically wavy cartoon aroma lines emanating from it

How I view my emerging gray stripes update, deceased GOT characters edition:

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ASSESSMENT: "Mmm, tangy and sweet!" Every word the truth.

PROJECT STATUS: Crazy like a Gray Fox Wolf Mockingbird