
Maki Roll, Sashimi

Ivy requested sushi for her birthday dinner this week and we didn't have time to go to the restaurant she likes that night and hey look at that sushi is on the Stardew list. Did I supplement this meal with useless but adorable trinkets that I bought at the Japanese bookstore because the real reason she likes revolving sushi is the fact that you get prizes after a certain number of plates eaten? Yes I did. It was her birthday. I am here to create magical childhoods with extreme inconsistency and a low hit rate on high-pressure occasions such as Christmas.

Sushi birthday dinner, though. Check.

My children love inexpertly cut raw fish and sticky rice, what can I tell you.

ASSESSMENT: I am bad at rolling...rolls. But I do feel like I have a good handle on sushi rice now and the enthusiasm with which this was greeted makes me want to give it another go. No boosts with these dishes in-game, but I would say the accomplishment of feeding raw protein to my family without poisoning any of them gave me a pleasant Feeling of Invincibility buff for a couple hours.

PROJECT STATUS: It went back to being too warm outside this week! But maybe cooling off again now! It's almost time to make all the Thanksgiving-y stuff!