
Pancakes, Hashbrowns, Fried Egg, Complete Breakfast

There are a couple of factors weighing heavily on all of my decision-making this week, and they are as follows: 1) I am solo parenting, and 2) three days ago I pinched a nerve in my lower back and I am finding it excruciating to walk, stand, sit, lie down, exist in this be-curséd corporeal form, etc. You would think that my number one goal in recipe selection, therefore, would be "least amount of standing required to prepare," but no, it was in fact "least likely to cause anything in even the ballpark of whining from my children." My patience for whining, which is, on my best day, rather lower than one would hope after a decade of parenting, becomes absolutely non-existent in the face of complicating events.

And thus, Complete Breakfast...for dinner.

The beauty of this meal is that it incorporates three other Stardew recipes within it: Pancakes, Fried Egg, and Hashbrowns, which makes this pitiful attempt to placate my daughters the most productive output I've had in quite a while.

ASSESSMENT: This is the best batch of hashbrowns I have ever made, lending credence to the idea that all great art requires suffering, or perhaps that I have finally landed on a recipe that works for me.

PROJECT STATUS: Man. I don't know. My bottle of ibuprofen and this medieval torture device I bought on Amazon and I will have to get back to you on that.