
This one is mostly about the kid

Last night's dinner: Chipotle Sweet Potato Soup with Spicy Cinnamon Pecans, again from Homesick Texan. I realize that looking at it, you are probably thinking, hey Erica, why did you make a bowl of pumpkin pie for dinner?

Tastes like seasonal inappropriateness.

And yeah, okay, it's basically a Thanksgiving-flavored soup, which is probably why she made it in November like a normal person. But you know what? It's winter in South Africa, and I believe they are holding some sort of large kazoo festival there right now. So basically, I am just being a citizen of the world. For you traditionalists, take note of the side salad comprised of current-crop vegetables and such.

This morning we went to the Austin Science and Nature Center because I figure Anna might want to shriek at something more exotic than our cat once in a while, and also there is no charge for admission.

I seriously thought it said "snakes" and was like, who is feeding snakes to this bobcat??

She was only mildly interested in the animals, but she did seem to enjoy standing at the handrail. Handrails are also exotic, as we do not have them at home.

Hey, did you remember to bring some snakes for the opossum?

Her favorite part of science and/or nature was dirt, by far.

I will sit still if it is on a large enough pile of dirt.

1 comment:

  1. Anybody who feels the need to ask "why did you make a bowl of pumpkin pie for dinner?" is my enemy.
