
Not a Sponsored Post

Man, my Gingery Pear and Pecan Muffins look so nice and festive here. Way to go, Cookbook #99: The Baker's Bible (Deborah Gray, 1998)!

Dirty table, for context.

It almost appears as though the chilly air and the twinkling lights and the peace on earth/goodwill toward men inspired me to whip these up, but actually they were an assignment from Anna's preschool. Probably because they somehow caught wind that I might have the sort of free time that could accommodate such a task. That's also why they are actually Gingery Pear and Nothing Muffins, since my guidelines were no nuts/no chocolate (allergies/hippies). They were still good enough that Ivy ate about a dozen of them, so that's a win. I wish I could generate more enthusiasm for all this, but the fact is I'm at the point in the season when I suffer a little bit of baking burnout. It's like when you play too much Tetris Candy Crush and start seeing the game when you close your eyes, except I see butter softening on the counter. I mean, our kitchen is basically just one big Hershey's ad right now.

Hershey's: On the Go!

Hershey's: Here, Take Some

Hershey's: Show Your Disapproving Sister What's What

Hershey's: When You Need a Beard, Or Pants