
May as well plant a garden directly in my stomach

In my experience, few things improve a Monday as much as having eggs for dinner. Especially when they're all nice and spicy and you can scoop them up with flatbread, as in the case of this pepper and egg curry.

I'll go for a bowl of spicy egg mush every time.
If the smell of curry is like a warm fuzzy blanket for my nostrils (it is), then the smell of fish sauce is somewhere on the opposite end of the spectrum. I always have to remind myself that fish sauce somehow tastes a lot better than it smells, otherwise this Thai-style minced turkey with basil and chiles would have been disastrous.

Disaster averted.
On Wednesday night I went to the Mary Beth-hosted Bunko, where I not only won a prize way ahead of schedule,* I also got one of these:

So I just want to go on record as saying that I really, really like it when my dinner comes in gift-basket form. If there is green plastic grass involved, all the better.

Not that I need any more green things in my life, because holy cow you guys. Remember back in the day when I complained about getting beets in the CSA box before I realized that you can just make ice cream out of them? Well I take that all back because I'm highly doubtful that I can turn the EIGHT KINDS OF GREENS in this week's box into a delicious frozen concoction.

The healthiest and unhappiest countertop in all the land.
Dan's response to this avalanche of vitamins was to make French toast this morning.

I like a man who is cool under pressure.
Today in Anna's Fashion Corner: one red sock. She is quite insistent on this matter.

I hope this isn't a gang thing.

*Dan says it's likely that I'm regressing toward the mean. I say it's awesome when math makes me win jars of body lotion.

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