
And for one amazing, shining moment, I was a winner

Last night was Bunko Night. I'll wait while you figure out what that is.

Or, just tell you that it's a dice-throwing "parlour game," apparently. I had no idea how charming and quaint we were being! Its more common spelling is bunco, but I was introduced to it with a "k" so I'm sticking with it. The only thing you need to know about me and bunko is that I have played almost every month for the past two years and until very recently was on a losing streak so improbable it should be studied. By science.

Hey Science, I'm now available for interview. I'll send you my rider.

I know your first thought is probably "Maybe you are just very bad at playing Bunko and therefore constant losing is in fact the probable outcome" but this is a pure-luck, zero-skill dice game where there are prizes for both most wins and most losses. So by "losing" I mean I so consistently win and lose the same number of games that prizes are forever beyond my grasp.


But oh oh ooooh the $36 wad of small bills spilling out of my purse indicates that the tide has turned! After only two years and $200 invested, it's all coming home to Mama now! According to B.F. Skinner's principles of operant conditioning, this type of partial reinforcement means that I am now permanently addicted to low-stakes parlour games. Before last night I probably could have walked away from this particular seedy underworld, but now: monkey, meet back.

The picture is staged, but the joy is very real.

For dinner I had wonderfully salty, smushy, crunchy, brown-and-orange party food. It is for absolutely no reason that I now mention that this is National Farmer's Market Week.

I think that tortilla roll-up had some bits of things that were vegetables at one point.

I also had some wine, which is made from grapes. Grapes that grow on plants. Farmers = celebrated.

Anna's new trick this week is making that "wuh wuh wuh wuh wuh" noise with her hand (well, wrist) and mouth like she's playing Cowboys and Indians.

Um...that's kind of racist, baby.


  1. Despite being a student of the History of Rock and Roll, I was unaware that the famous M&M clause in the Van Halen rider was derived from something so serious. (I followed the wikipedia link.)

  2. Mommy, it's not racist. It's a tribute to her native american heritage.

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgWEDVIFGN0#t=2m0s
