
My brain melted, so I made pasta

I have a question for everyone: is farro a thing that exists? Like, in the real, material universe that we live in? I keep finding and bookmarking and intending to cook recipes that involve this mysterious fairygrain from the netherworld, but it does not seem to be available in any of our human grocery stores. Consequently, I keep eating barley.

Apple, almond, and smoked mozzarella farro barley salad.
I find that the best antidote to barley is steak fingers. This is based on years of painstaking research.

The jalapeƱo cream gravy is just a nice added bonus because Homesick Texan is an evil genius.
Yesterday was the 44th 100 degree day of the year here in Austin! That plus the 12 inches below average rainfall has finally broken me, I think. I GIVE UP, WEATHER! I EMBRACE THE HEAT! Let's celebrate my collapse with something described as a "cozy winter recipe."

Pasta e fagioli at the end of July: like staring into the mouth of madness.
Anna, who is younger and more resilient and hasn't yet succumbed to the heat-crazies, has chosen the more reasonable "damp kitchen towel on the head" route.

Still fighting the good fight. Just two or three more months until we see the 70s again!

I think she has also been working on her impression of me.

Very droll.