
Keep reminding myself that what she really wanted was a drum set

Every once in a while I feel the need to justify the bottle of malt vinegar I keep in the fridge, so yesterday I made some fish and chips and mushy peas. I don't know where to find marrowfat peas around here so I just used green split peas and I thought they were great. Basically any legume paste will do for me personally. Also, frying things is not my strong suit and my entire house still smells like grease, but I feel like this is the most surprised and delighted Dan has been by a meal in...forever? So, noted.

I would be slightly insulted that he was so impressed that I could pull this off but frankly so was I 

Anna is in choir this semester, so she has been rehearsing at home, complete with documentarian.

She also has a recorder now. Our lives are filled with music, is what I'm saying.