
She likes them french fried potaters

Well, with all due respect to Heidi and her good intentions toward my arteries, I felt like it was time for some winter comfort food this weekend, so I went with sausage and peppers over mashed potatoes. (The potatoes have buttermilk in them.) (And sour cream.) No cheese, though! (There's cheese in the sausage.)

This is where 3-D blogging technology would really come in handy. Chicken sausage UP IN YOUR FACE.
Also, it had been several hours since I put a poached egg on something, and miso soup seemed as good a candidate as any.

I bought dried kelp and weird fish flakes, so this is extremely authentic except for the part with the egg.
We've had a pretty good stretch with Anna. She's actually eating:

Only in character as The Fonz, but that's probably a passing phase.
She's accepting her manual labor responsibilities with admirable stoicism:

That bell ain't gonna ring itself, kid.
She is also still executing her gardening duties with aplomb:

Although in this case...

...she stays in character...

...as Sling Blade.