Have you been missing me? Here, have some
cabbage soup, it's good for you.
Oh, you want more color? How does a
roasted beet sandwich sound? Disgusting? Fair enough.
It is homemade bread, though. Bumps it up to "semi-disgusting," right? Score. |
Hey look, I got to ride a train!
It's actually been quite a while since someone made me feel totally inadequate regarding cute-toddler-related-projects, so check out this train made out of cake:
It has also been a pretty long time since I updated the Minor Household Crises section of this blog! Earlier this afternoon we heard a bird chirping in what seems to be the very inside section of our kitchen vent. Since then, I absolutely swear I have heard
eggs cracking open. Because of this, I immediately became overwhelmingly paranoid that I was going to accidentally press the vent button and eviscerate a nest full of baby birds. I was actually afraid to be within a foot of the microwave just in case my hand went rogue and pressed the button. Here is how I fixed it.
Nice bird saving technique. Or whatever is in there.