
Soccer Sis

When Martha says, "Put some random vegetables on top of a pre-made pizza crust and convince yourself that you have made a healthy dinner," I say "HOW HIGH DO I PILE THAT CRESS?"

This pizza is so virtuous you can't even see the generous helpings of two kinds of cheese on it.  #swimsuitseason

My first foray into in-person candlemongery is scheduled for this weekend, so if you were here at my house, instead of seeing me fail at doing Martha things, you would be seeing me fail at doing Martha things AS WELL AS some of this:

And that:

And, if you look closely, a lot of me squinting anxiously at various crafting displays on Pinterest. It's so inspirational/panic-inducing!

I did escape the candle laboratory (British pronunciation) for Anna's soccer game on Saturday, where Ivy was maybe the most enthusiastic she has been about anything since the introduction of solid foods.

I'm pretty sure I'll just get her a minivan for her next birthday.

Anna was also very excited to be getting her pictures done.