
My brave struggle against TDTM continues

I know you guys have been waiting for this news, so I'm just going to pull off the Band-Aid and give it to you straight: my softball team did not win the Super Social League (real thing) championship. I mostly blame Jillian Michaels, for breaking my ankles and causing me to hobble and wince around the field rather than lazily jog as usual. To distract myself from this SUMMER HEARTBREAK, I first made my house smell like fish and then covered that up with the smell of curry. The combo is really something special, if anyone wants to come hang out.

BA#26: Fish fillets with tomatoes, squash, and basil. All of the pouch-based meals have been very easy, although in this case you end up with a sort of sad, raw-looking lump of fish. It tasted fine, though, in a this-is-healthy-and-I-didn't-work-very-hard-on-it sort of way.

I call him Lumpy.

BA#27: Curried spelt salad. Except I couldn't find spelt, so this is actually curried farro salad. I thought the arugula was a little overpowering. Or I just don't really like arugula? No, that's probably not right, since I keep eating it.

File under: kale.
Overall not the most successful BA week. I want to blame triple-digit-temperature malaise, but TDTM is the WHOLE REASON for this very stupid inspirational project in the first place. Obviously I just need to step it up. Are there any cute babies around to give me a nudge?

Babies that are starting to look a lot like David Hyde Pierce, if possible.

This morning marked Anna's first trip to Chuck E. Cheese, and I'd say she ranked it somewhere between bouncy houses and carnivals. Also, I sincerely hope that you guys are half as entertained by My Child Strongly Dislikes Fun montages as I am, because I don't see this well running dry any time soon.

Surveying the land.

I think she likes what she sees!

Clapping along to the birthday song.

Digesting pizza. She needed to sit at a table by herself to focus (foodie).
 At least there was cake.
Yay, cake!